Jamie Alcorn

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Something New

This morning my first email newsletter went out, and I couldn't be happier!  It's something I've been working on/putting off for a while, and in all honesty, it hasn't been easy!  At heart, I am a romantic and an old soul.  I would much prefer to handwrite a love letter to each of you, and send it with a pretty stamp via snail mail, but I am more realistic than that.

The way we communicate is so different even from when I was in high school.  Sharing notes in intricately folded shapes, passing out painstakingly handmade 'zines, maybe sending a numerical message to your friend's pager ("17-31707-1" looks like I LOVE U, upside down)... The simplicity, the attention to detail, the fact that a cherished friend had touched it with her real hands--what do we lose when we give these things up?

...But what might we gain?

The answer, for me, is more connection.  Via email, I can reach out to so many more people with one broad stroke.  I can make myself more accessible to those who are not in my immediate circle.  There is an element of openness and opportunity--and this is what I've chosen to focus on.  I've decided to adapt, to learn, and to find ways to make these changes work for me, rather than try to self-righteously boycott them.

Having said that, this yogi/poet/dreamer/dancer has had to learn about "html"...?!  It's not as fascinating as it sounds, folks.  But I must admit, the final product has been very rewarding.  I feel good for having taken on a project that was daunting and seemingly impossible at the onset.

If you aren't signed up to receive my monthly newsletter, you can do so here.

You can read my current newsletter by clicking the link below:

Jamie Alcorn // March Newsletter

Here's to the new!
