Jamie Alcorn

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Welcome, Autumn, and My New Balancing Act

It's time for BALANCE.

The New Moon in Libra says so.

At the onset of Summer, I made a pact with myself that I would loosen up on my daily routines. For a season, I would live freely. No agenda, minimal to-do lists, letting go of habits that didn't seem to suit the moment. I wanted to see what would happen if I allowed more space in my life for the unrehearsed.

So I've spent more time in the ocean than I have on my meditation cushion. I've napped on the sand more often than I've rested in Savasana. My skin is brown and my hair is tangled and I haven't worn yoga pants in weeks.

My Summer of fun-in-the-sun has been fiery and free--one of the most playful, alive, and connected times of my life. I've discovered a well of earthy vitality I didn't know I contained. I have no regrets.


Autumn has arrived, and I am antsy for my disciplines. My body is achy for a strict yoga practice, a more mindful diet, and an earlier to bed/earlier to rise sleeping schedule. My head is cloudy and overworked, and crying for deep meditation.

And my heart? My heart is full. My heart wants to take all this new-found joy and liberation and see how it can manifest more love in my daily life. 

How will I marry my strict devotions with my free-flowing liberation? I still don't know, but this will be my practice for now: finding how to root deeply into cherished routines, while remaining open and receptive to the unimaginable magic of life.

Because I don't want to sacrifice one for the other. I wouldn't be happy either way.

I want it all.