Light Living // Connection
“Only Connect.”
Why blog?
Does anyone even read blogs anymore? It seems like people are more interested in pictures than words.
And anyway, what’s so important for me to say that I should post it on the Internet?
What do I know?
And who cares?
As a writer, I’ve thought about whether or not to blog for about a decade, and this is my typical thought stream, which always seems to lead to that ultimately defeating question: why?
What about connection? What about opening, if only to share stories? What about the simple, daily things--the little joys and sorrows that can’t be captured in a picture to post to Instagram?
What about: why not?
I found this passage a few mornings ago in Melody Beattie's book, Journey to the Heart, and had a little heart-burst:
“ Share your heart with the world. Share willingly, openly, joyfully, what you have seen, what you have learned.
Don’t tell people how you think you should have handled things. That’s shame. It teaches others to feel ashamed, too. Don’t tell people how you wish you had handled things. That’s needless regret that we pass on to others.
Share honestly and openly about yourself, the way you felt, the things you thought. Share how going through your experience changed you. Talk about your resistance, your pain, the imperfect way you did things, the way you handle things now.
Sharing honestly and openly teaches people around us the most helpful truth—that the imperfect way we live our lives is right for us at the time. When we love and accept ourselves enough to honestly share who we are, it helps those we touch to believe that they’re good enough too.”
So, here I am. After years of self-concsiously quieting myself, I am trying something new.
I am sharing this blog with an open heart. I am aiming toward connection, with myself and with you.