Jamie Alcorn

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Light Living // Connection

Why blog?  

Does anyone even read blogs anymore?  It seems like people are more interested in pictures than words.  

And anyway, what’s so important for me to say that I should post it on the Internet?  

What do I know?

And who cares?


As a writer, I’ve thought about whether or not to blog for about a decade, and this is my typical thought stream, which always seems to lead to that ultimately defeating question: why?


What about connection?  What about opening, if only to share stories?  What about the simple, daily things--the little joys and sorrows that can’t be captured in a picture to post to Instagram?  

What about: why not?

I found this passage a few mornings ago in Melody Beattie's book, Journey to the Heart, and had a little heart-burst:

So, here I am.  After years of self-concsiously quieting myself, I am trying something new.

I am sharing this blog with an open heart.  I am aiming toward connection, with myself and with you.