Off The Mat | Too Much News

Maybe I just can’t read the news anymore.

This morning I woke up, opened my news app, and felt like throwing my phone across the room.

Does anyone else feel like we’ve been swept up in an avalanche?

I’ve really tried to remain neutral on social media in 2017, because I know the political noise is deafening.

But there’s a difference between “spreading negativity” and sharing the often uncomfortable Truth.

And this is my truth today:

I’m tired and I’m frustrated and I’m worried and I don’t see a clear way out.

I see so-called “believers” clinging so desperately to their beliefs that they can’t see the TRUTH.

I want to scream, or punch a wall.

But instead, I’m going to stand up, shake it off, and keep moving.

I’m going to keep making phone calls and writing letters.

I’m going to continue to stand

FOR the poor,

FOR the sick,

FOR women and children,

FOR immigrants,

FOR the preservation of God’s creation.

Because that’s what I think Jesus would do.

End rant. 
