Good Read | The Art of Non-Conformity
“‘Unreasonable,’ ‘unrealistic,’ and ‘impractical’ are all words used to marginalize a person or idea that fails to conform with unconventionally expected standards. My response is that the world needs more people who fail to conform and refuse to settle.”
Thus, I continue on my journey through the world of Chris Guillebeau. I couldn't have been reading this book at a more appropriate time. These last few weeks have confronted me with rather judgmental and self-righteous ghosts from my past (I blame Mercury Retrograde), and I've found myself having to defend and protect my decision to break with familial traditions in religion, marriage, and procreating against total strangers. (It's a long story, for another post.)
Anyway, this morning, I finished reading The Art of Non-Conformity: Set Your Own Rules, Live the Life You Want, and Change the World. Now, as I sit here trying to sum it all up, I realize a summary isn't necessary, because the title pretty much does that.
Like The Happiness of Pursuit and The $100 Startup, The Art of Non-Conformity is full of inspiration ideas and motivational quotes...and realistic ways to manifest the life you want. It's that last part--the "how-to" component of Chris's writing--that keeps me coming back for more. After spending my entire 20's reading self-help books that left me feeling inspired, but without the tools to be able to do anything with that inspiration, Chris Guillebeau's work is empowering and practicable.
So, do you want to know what I'm up to after all this "how-to"?
Since reading The Happiness of Pursuit, I've begun a pursuit of my own: One Pulitzer At A Time. My goal is to read every Pulitzer Prize winner for novel/fiction, in chronological order, and write about my experience as I go along. I've launched a blog ( and an Instagram page (@missbookbird) to track my progress. I'd love for you to follow along as I discover America through her stories.
Since reading The $100 Startup, Nathan and I have begun working on a startup of our own. Unfortunately, we're still in the beginning stages of the business, so I can't offer many details yet, but I can say we're working on something that is playful, socially and environmentally forward thinking, and completely representative of our unique lifestyle and loves. And we're starting it all with less than $100, thank you very much! I'll keep you posted...
Now, having finished The Art of Non-Conformity, I've decided to take Chris's advice, and create my own, self-directed Graduate School Program. By the end of this summer, I will be making my very last student loan payment. I have no regrets about going to college. I am grateful for the education I received and the friendships I made--and the husband I found! But would I ever do it again? Knowing the heaviness of student debt? No. Having said that, there are so many things I still want to learn! I want to be an expert. So I am going to teach myself. I am going to develop my own syllabus. I am going to grade, correct, and challenge myself. I am going to direct my courses over one year, in my own alternative grad school program. Curious to know what I'll be studying? Stay tuned!
“If you choose an unconventional journey of some kind, you’ll probably end up feeling alone from time to time. Thankfully, you will also feel very alive.”
I plan on feeling more and more alive, every day.