Be Light // On Being A Badass
"Momma taught me good home training,
My daddy taught me how to love my haters,
My sister taught me I should speak my mind,
My man made me feel so God damn fine,
<<< I'm flawless >>>
{ Beyoncé }
That's right.
And so are you.
Summer is my Power Season. Pitta. Fire. Shakti. Early sunrise, late moonrise. Bike rides. Ocean. Play. Windows down, music up. Strong, bold, fearless. Summer is my time to be all in, all me, fully on and alive. Summer is the season to be light, free from the dead things of Winter, and the growing pains of Spring. Summer is the season to BLOOM.
So I've been thinking, this week, about how to make that happen. How to live with a sense of freedom, ease, and all-around badass-ness. How to lose my self-doubt and self-consciousness, and live more powerfully and boldly, comfortable in my own skin.
Here's what I've got so far...
Be Light Friday: Weekly Round-Up
I love boys, but I'm a girl's girl. Chicks before dicks, right? (Total seriousness: that was one of the greatest lessons of my 20's.)
Girlfriends make life so much lighter! They're gently honest in the fitting room. They support and encourage your inexplicable obsession with Mariah Carey. They get into Snapchat because you want to get into Snapchat but can't Snapchat by yourself. They let you cry. They remind you you're not in it alone: every woman goes through funks. Every woman has days when everything in her closet sucks. Every woman has had her heartbroken and thought she would die from the hurt of it. Every woman has kept breathing, long enough to realize she won't die, but she'll learn.
There is a lot of power and love in the female tribe, and I am so in love with mine. My tribe is full and always growing, and it is blessedly varied, vibrant, surprising, unique. I am constantly, obsessively inspired by the women around me: the writers, the runners, the go-getters, the political activists, the mothers, the sisters, the waitresses, the artists, the horse vaulters, the doctors, the Snapchatters, the students, the bookworms, the kick-boxers, the non-profit organizers, the dreamers, the hairdressers, the energists, etc., etc., etc.
May I spend all my love on you, supporting, encouraging, and feeding you, as you do for me. We are in this together.
Ladies, tell 'em.
Please, please set 20 minutes aside sometime this weekend, and watch this talk from Kathryn Budig on body image and social media. It brought tears to my eyes (the good kind of tears). She talks about things we need to talk more about. She shares her own experiences with being body-shamed online, but also gives a lot of hopeful insight into how we can help to turn the tide on negative commenting on social media.
June gloom is gradually, grudgingly making it's exit, which means it's time to lose my car keys and hop on my bike. Is it easy waking up at 4:30 am, in order give myself enough time to ride my bike to work by 5:15 am?
The quiet in the air. Jim James singing into my headphones. The pre-dawn darkness. And my heart pumping so strong and steady. I feel very alive and very badass.
It's all so worth it. It is a priceless, free experience, that early morning bike-ride. So I skip snooze and drag myself out of bed earlier than early. What do you gain, what do you lose?
Maybe you've already seen this home video floating around youtube--it's been out for years. Even if you have, do a good thing for yourself, and watch Sophia Grace sing the hell out of Nicki Minaj's "Super Bass." A few of my favorite things about this:
Sophia's sidekick, Rosie. That little girl is silent, but fierce.
Their "microphones." Note: Rosie's pink plastic recorder.
The pure, unadulterated passion. Sophia is not messing around. Maybe Rosie is messing around a little bit. Still, you can tell they are both feeling it. They're all-in. They are living, breathing, shredding this moment.
In a season that drowns us with magazine headlines making grand proclamations about "Bikini Bodies" and "Quick Ways to Lose 10 Pounds," I am just thankful to have a healthy, strong body that allows me to work hard, play a lot, and do the things I love. It's easy to get caught up in the fast flowing stream of negative body talk. Mine usually starts with my "stomach pooch," flips around to my "big butt," and then shoots straight down to my "weird legs."
Whatever. Seriously, who in the world gives one damn about my stupid hang-ups?! No one. Absolutely not one person. And neither should I. Because here's the reality of the situation:
I get to wake up in the morning, jump on my bike, and ride anywhere. I get to practice handstands. I get to run with my husband, hike with my friends, swim in the ocean, and dance in bars.
My beautiful, healthy, perfect body lets me do all of that.
I wish you all the happiest weekend and Summer Solstice. I hope you find time for sunshine. Bare feet. Being badass. Being completely and wholeheartedly yourself.