New Moon Guide For Capricorn

New Moon in Capricorn: January 13th, 2021
How can I help?
How can I help?
How can I help?
This is what I’m asking myself, repeatedly, as I try to find my place in the pain, fear, and chaos of this moment.
Capricorn energy is grounded, practical, and ambitious. A new moon in Capricorn is a perfect time to define goals, plan for the future, and take responsibility for ourselves and the impact we have in the world.
There’s no time like the present to dismantle systemic white supremacy and start building something entirely new.
We CAN create something better. I refuse to let any person-woman-man-camera-tv convince me otherwise.
So do like Erykah says and “write it down on real paper with a real pencil. And watch shit get real.”