New Moon Guide For Sagittarius

New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius: December 14th, 2021

As I was putting these slides together, I was struck once again by the sometimes shocking accuracy of astrological energy. This morning’s new moon in Sagittarius deals with themes such as

the quest for truth

the law (and lawsuits)



seeking answers—and finding solutions.

Do any of these seem relevant, currently? (I ask with a winking emoji.)

There’s also a total eclipse to process today, demanding we ask challenging questions of ourselves:

  • Am I ready to step into deeper levels of my personal truth?

  • Am I ready to claim more meaning in my life and move into a new future?

Now is the time to clear any confusion from our lives, release the past, and reorient towards new truths and trajectories.

So do like Erykah says and “write it down on real paper with a real pencil. And watch shit get real.”

Ready for more?

Click here for a step-by-step guide to setting new moon intentions (+ a playlist and recommendations for further reading!)