So, you want to try yoga.

But you don’t know how to begin. And you have so many questions!

Studio? Internet? Home?

Is it safe? Will it be too hard? Does it matter if I can touch my toes?

What if people laugh at me? Or judge me? Or even worse, recognize me for what I might actually be: a fraud.

Because what happens if it turns out I just can’t do yoga? It works for a lot of people, but me?

My problems are way too big for “yoga.”


If your heart is nudging you toward something new, it means you’re ready to quit running the same old stories in your head.

Stop stopping yourself before you’ve even had a chance to start.

That is how you begin.

Resources for Yoga Beginners

5 Books for a fresh Start


If you’re ready for a fresh start, these mindfulness books offer plenty of inspiration and guidance.

My Journey to Handstand


I wanted to stand on my hands. Little did I know, I’d have to learn how to stand my ground.

My First Vinyasa Class


I was a yoga newbie once too, and if I survived my first sweaty vinyasa class, you can too.



Bring flow class vibes into your home practice with this upbeat mix. Perfect for a one hour vinyasa practice.