On The Mat | Training With Maty - Week Three
“A teacher isn’t someone who teaches something, but someone who inspires the student to give of her best in order to discover what she already knows.”
This weekend concluded my 100 hour training intensive with Maty Ezraty.
The ending is so bitter-sweet.
Bitter, because I will miss my teacher. Bitter because, as a student, I am never satiated with learning.
Sweet, because I have learned so much--about yoga practice, and yoga teaching--and I can't wait to start sharing it.
Living it.
Leading up to the last day of training, I thought a lot about what gift I could bring to my teacher to thank her, and to say goodbye.
What do you give to a teacher who has given you a roadmap to transformation?
I still don't know.
On Friday, I decided I would just do what Maty has taught me to do: to speak from my heart, and give what I can, authentically and with feeling.
So for Maty: a poem, a rose, and a resounding "Thank You."
She has inspired me to give of my best, in order to learn what I already know.