2017 | Only CONNECT
con·nect /kəˈnekt/ (verb)
"bringing together or into contact so that a real link is established."
Voilà, my WORD for 2017.
2016 had many beautiful moments for me. Still, by the close of the year, as I was looking back in reflection on how things had unfolded, I was struck by an overwhelming theme: disconnection.
We lost so many artists--Bowie, Prince, Leonard.
Sacred ground became a battlefield in North Dakota, as the war between big oil and Water Protectors heightened at an alarming rate.
And the election. Oh my heart, my soul--this election devastated me in unexpected ways, but it also revealed truths I had been completely naive to concerning the seeming irreconcilable differences between red and blue states.
None of these separations have felt good. But I am learning. I am looking for ways to begin bridging these divides.
I Want 2017 To Feel...
grounded . purposeful . manifesting . hands-in-the-mud . compassionate . generous . brave . empowered . natural . shakti . earthy . hospitable . joyful . healing . focused . growing . possible .
“Do stuff. Be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration’s shove or society’s kiss on your forehead. Pay attention. It’s all about paying attention. Attention is vitality. It CONNECTS you with others. It makes you eager.”