On Repeat | Sorry, Not Sorry

I was chatting with a friend of mine the other night, and Justin Bieber came up in conversation (meaning: I brought him up). We discussed which of his songs was our personal favorite at that very moment. Mine was What Do You Mean? Hers was Sorry. Being that my friend is six years old, I decided to give her this one:

Sorry is the catchiest, funnest song on the radio right now and I can't stop/won't stop singing along to it in the car at full volume on my daily commute to Santa Monica. 

There was a time in my life--most of it, really--when I would have thought of myself as too cool to enjoy a song like this. I think it's easy for artists to fall into the trap of taking things a little too seriously. Like, if it's not some deep cut on one of Cat Power's earlier records, it's meaningless and shallow.

Whatever. The truth is, I'm rarely in the mood to listen to any Cat Power song, these days. I just want to listen to the music that moves me toward a feeling. And right now, Sorry is moving me toward feeling not sorry for the party I have in my head when I hit "REPEAT."

P.S. Say what you will about the Biebs--how 90's fly-girl is this video?! Is it Halloween yet, so I can go out in my "Fly Girl in the Justin Bieber Video" costume?