Messy Life and All

G U I L T .

When I haven’t been practicing yoga “enough.”

When I say “no” to plans.

When I need to be alone.

When I’m too tired to do the laundry.

When I decide to sleep in, instead of run.

When I feel like I’ve let someone down.

When I eat “too many” carbs.

When my bathroom is a mess.

When my checking account is empty.

When my closet is packed with clothes I never wear.

When my hands still can’t grip my foot in a pose I “should” be able to crack.

...this list is infinite...

Mercury Retrograde has been doing it’s uncomfortable work.

This time around, I’ve been confronted by my perfectionism, and my need to please, to DO, to achieve, to be “better.”

Turns out, none of those tendencies work to make me happier.

Instead, they rob my of my natural joy and energy.

Pardon my language, but I can be a real bitch to myself.

I guess, in a nutshell, that’s what I’m learning right now.

And I’d rather be a good friend to myself.

I’d rather be kind, understanding, compassionate, and playful with myself.

Someone to have fun with.

So here’s to having more fun, messy life and all.
